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۶۶۹۳۹۴۴۰-۶۶۹۰۳۴۳۳ (۹۸۲۱+)
راه آهن کشش
Repair teams

The experienced and specialized workers in the workshops perform locomotive maintenance and repair tasks in the form of various operational teams. These groups consist of:

Daily Visit Group

Based on the prescribed instructions by the engineering unit, our current daily repair team is fully responsible for the following activities:

  • Conducting charging operation of the locomotives.
  • Visiting locomotives which operate at a higher than normal temperature and diagnosing the priority of defect.
  • Guiding the Locomotive drivers operating our fleet.
  • Issuing a permit for locomotives in order to operate at a higher than normal temperature, based on the required parameters.

Planned Repair Group

Based on the manufacturer recommendations, each locomotive should be examined after reaching a certain figure of distance traveled in order to certify the optimum performance of its various systems. Thus, according to the provided guidelines, several parts should be replaced irrespective of their current status, while others must be reinstalled once their performance was evaluated. This team is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Carrying out monthly and quarterly maintenance of locomotives based on the given instructions.
  • Accurate evaluation of defects and fixing them by means of the engineering team.
  • Automatic planning of halting locomotives in accordance with their status and conditions.
  • Compensating any deficiency in
  • Replacing consumables with respect to their lifetime.
  • Documenting the carried out planned operation.

Special Repair Group

Unfortunate failures and unforeseen events may occur from time to time depending on various conditions of the railroads, which prevent locomotives from moving and reaching their destination. These types of defects and failures are regarded as special cases and consequently, the special repair group is responsible for rectifying these defects. Their tasks include:

  • Complete overhaul of 16-cylinder internal combustion engines.
  • Complete installation of equipment and power transmission systems, as well as coupling them
  • Performing bogie and wheel replacement using 160-ton jacks.
  • Performing single traction replacement using high-duty jacks.
  • Laminating and painting the locomotive body.
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