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۶۶۹۳۹۴۴۰-۶۶۹۰۳۴۳۳ (۹۸۲۱+)
راه آهن کشش

RAK Company is fully capable of performing locomotive and wagon repairs as follows, using well-trained and experienced personnel.


Assembly of five electro-diesel locomotives (SDK) in a year.

Locomotive repairs

Major, semi-major, annual, and periodical repairs with a capacity of 50 locomotives per year.


Major overhaul

Major and semi-major repairs of the 5000-hp engine with a capacity of 25.


Major overhauls

Major repair of 100 bogies per year


Special repairs

Distinct repairs of freight and transportation wagons.

Repair of rail machines

.Railroad machinery repairs including railcar, crane, tamping machine


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