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۶۶۹۳۹۴۴۰-۶۶۹۰۳۴۳۳ (۹۸۲۱+)
راه آهن کشش

About RAK

In rail transportation systems, traction is considered to be the primary and crucial factor for any kind of movement. Therefore, due to the privatization policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railway (IRIR) and a clear emphasis on the evermore presence of private sector companies as the providers of traction for the freight and transportation trains, RAK Company was established in 2014 by Saving Fund Institute of Islamic Republic of Iran Railways with the prospect of an extensive coverage of the mentioned policies.

RAK Services

While taking into account its engineering and technical capability, RAK Company is fully able to offering Services includes:

Supplying locomotives

The RAK Company can haul payloads of up to three billion tkm a year using its current fleet of 21 locomotives. This figure accounts for roughly 9% of the total cargo transported by the Islamic Republic of Iran railways in 2017.

Locomotive Operation

Based on its requirement, RAK Company started to interview, recruit and train qualified personnel in order to navigate its operation locomotives. In this regard, more than 50 interested individuals have been trained by the railroad training center since 2011 and are currently upgraded to the second grade.


The RAK Company is fully capable of performing locomotive and wagon repairs includes Major, semi-major, annual, and periodical repairs , using well-trained and experienced personnel.


Due to our grasp of practical engineering knowledge and the experiences obtained by our skilled workers, it is rather possible to reconstruct, change the operation type, and upgrade various types of locomotives, freight and transportation wagons.

Periodical services

According to the manufacturer recommendations, each locomotive should be inspected after reaching a definite figure of distance traveled in order to ensure optimum performance of its numerous systems.

Technical and engineering studies

The engineering unit of RAK Company, in addition to technically supporting the factory, is playing an important role in supplying the necessary internal components, part and locomotive systems. This was achieved by employing young experts, using specialized software, and up-to-date methods, such as FMEA.


Superior choice for green transportation



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